April 1, 2023
Within Reach 2023 Calendar and Prayer Guide – April
Within Reach
Are you ready to read amazing stories of what God is doing around the world?
Healthy churches are changing communities. Lives are being transformed by the Gospel. Let us continue to pray for the nations together.
As we move towards our goal of reaching 25 Million Disciples for Christ, we know that empowering existing believers is just as crucial as sharing the Gospel with those who have never heard it. Healthy churches must be filled with healthy disciples who are fully equipped to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with others.
This prayer calendar and journal highlights just a few of the people and projects that are blessed by your giving.
We hope you are touched by reading these testimonies from our ministry partners around the world.
All Scripture references come from the English Standard Version (ESV). *Names changed to protect identity.
"For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them." — Matthew 18:20
Reaching the World for Christ, One Disciple at a Time
Antipolo Orphanage
When Mae* first arrived at Antipolo Orphanage, she was incredibly quiet. She was painfully shy, and would not interact with the other young girls at all. Alone and afraid, with little hope, she received a miracle — the Gospel was shared with her by one of the orphanage workers.
When Mae heard the Good News for the first time at Antipolo, she immediately felt the presence of God and experienced profound peace. Today, because of her salvation, Mae finally lets her true spirit shine, and her warmth still brings joy to so many others at the orphanage. Every day, she is so excited to learn more about Jesus and is always asking questions during Bible study time. When Mae attended youth summer camp, she took a significant step of faith by getting baptized.
Full of love and hope, she trusts in the Lord to guide her through her struggles. The trauma of her previous experiences sometimes causes nightmares and episodes of panic and grief, but Mae diligently memorizes Scripture and engages in prayer, helping to shut out the darkness and fear. She knows that the Lord loves her, and that brings her great comfort whenever she is sad.
Her journey is a testimony of how God works. His grace is amazing!
When trials come, cast all your cares upon him!
We all face times in our lives that are stressful and difficult. This month, think about how you can respond to these challenges by going to the Lord in prayer. We take comfort in knowing that He will never leave us nor forsake us, and He works all things for good!
Prayer Requests
- Pray that Mae would continue to grow with strong faith in the Lord.
- Pray for strength and wisdom for all the children and their parents.
- Pray for salvation for each child and their family.
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Subscribe to receive the Monthly Prayer Calendar. Each calendar includes a featured story, profile, or devotional—plus short, daily prayer requests from our indigenous partners.