August 1, 2022
Within Reach 2022 Calendar and Prayer Guide – August
Within Reach
How can we ensure there is a church within walking distance of everyone in the world?
We must be patient. We must be steadfast. Most importantly, we must pray.
Thousands of indigenous people groups exist around the world, each with their own unique history and culture. While some have heard the Gospel, there is still much work needing to be done. Many of these people face persecution, especially those who have converted to Christianity. A strong church provides hope, safety and support for these new Christians, and spreads the Gospel to others.
As the Global Church Developer, our mission is to equip our indigenous partners with resources they need to plant churches, disciple believers and provide refuge. Without you, we could not accomplish that mission. Each month, we highlight some of those groups that may be blessed by ICM and our partners.
Please take time each month to pray for them as our work continues, and reflect on your own spiritual journey with the Lord. We pray each month’s post is a blessing to you. We thank you for your endless support.
All Scripture references come from the New Living Translation (NLT). Joshua Project used for Profile resource and stats.
“Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.”—Isaiah 41:10
People Within Reach: CHAKMA
Located in Bangladesh
Most of the Chakma tribe live in the Chittagong Hills region of southeastern Bangladesh. The Chakma have continued to uphold Buddhist beliefs and customs in the midst of a Muslim-dominated society. The Chakma and Bengali Muslims have been enemies for some time, which was exacerbated by the building of Kaptai Dam in the 1960s. This resulted in over 18,000 Chakma losing their homes. Since then, the Chakma have been fighting against Bengali settlers who are infringing on Chakma land.
The government does not do much to protect the Chakma, and even the government’s security forces have committed vicious acts against the Chakma. ICM churches and Hope Centers in this country can provide refuge and hope for these people.
Chakma At a Glance
Population: 513,000
Language: Chakma
Main Religion: Buddhism
Christian: 12.96%*
Reflection Questions
- When was the last time you had “quiet time” with the Lord?
- Did you feel a stirring in your spirit?
- How do you quiet your soul so you can listen for the Holy Spirit?
This month, strive to have moments where you put away all distractions, and just listen for the Holy Spirit to speak to you.
Prayer Requests
- Pray that the Chakma would be receptive to the Word of God and find Hope in the Gospel.
- Pray that the unreached Chakma people in Bangladesh will be evangelized and will accept salvation from Christ.
- Pray for peace and healing as the Chakma people recover from violent and vicious acts committed against them by Bengali settlers and Bangladeshi soldiers.
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