July 1, 2023

Within Reach 2023 Calendar and Prayer Guide – July


Within Reach

Are you ready to read amazing stories of what God is doing around the world?

Healthy churches are changing communities. Lives are being transformed by the Gospel. Let us continue to pray for the nations together.

As we move towards our goal of reaching 25 Million Disciples for Christ, we know that empowering existing believers is just as crucial as sharing the Gospel with those who have never heard it. Healthy churches must be filled with healthy disciples who are fully equipped to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with others.

This prayer calendar and journal highlights just a few of the people and projects that are blessed by your giving.

We hope you are touched by reading these testimonies from our ministry partners around the world.

All Scripture references come from the English Standard Version (ESV). *Names changed to protect identity.

"Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer." — Romans 12:12

Reaching the World for Christ, One Disciple at a Time


Aquila Church and Rehab Center



After members of Aquila Church visited a prison to share the Gospel, they realized there was much more they could do to help people afflicted by the horrors of addiction. Many of the prisoners suffered from various addictions, especially hard drugs and alcohol. The inmates no longer had access to drugs and alcohol, but they still struggled with the symptoms of withdrawal as they tried to heal physically and mentally. But they needed spiritual healing as well.


Motivated by their faith and their determination to help, the congregation built a Rehab Center to accompany their church building. So far, they have served over 300 addicts and helped them recover, all while introducing them to Jesus Christ. After completing the rehab program, former addicts can take vocational training to help them find a job, which allows them to rebuild their lives, become independent, and stay sober.

Staff at the church and the Rehab Center recognize that women wrestling with addiction also need special care, especially if they are mothers who are trying to parent their children. Unfortunately, many women who are struggling with drugs may end up in prostitution, but today, staff at the Rehab Center are finding ways to specifically minister to these women. Praise God for the opportunities to serve and save many that are lost.

The Lord tells us to be anxious for nothing. His peace surpasses all understanding.

As we all go through life day by day, we will find ourselves in need, whether it is physically, emotionally, or spiritually. This month, think of the times when the Lord provided for you. Praise Him for His goodness, and thank Him for bringing friends and family into your life that help you in times of need.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for the additional Rehab Center for women in a nearby community. Pray that the women who go there will feel the power of the Holy Spirit as they recover.
  • Pray for the schooling that students receive at Aquila Church and Rehab Center. Pray that the students would absorb all the knowledge presented to them and that they would apply it in their everyday lives.
  • Pray that other churches and Rehab Centers would be built in Vietnam to help countless people have access to essential resources in an uplifting Christian environment.


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