June 12, 2018
In Hiding, but Not in Vain
Church Building
Mini Bible College
A couple of years ago, Samuel* and his family were ministering in Pakistan. In addition to sharing the gospel, Samuel built clean water wells for two Hindu communities in the Thar Desert. His sister advocated for women’s rights and the education of girls.
It wasn’t easy. Being the main Christian leader in his community, Samuel became the target of frequent persecution. Religious extremists kidnapped his brother-in-law, attacked his sister, threatened his children, and falsely reported him to the government for forcibly converting Hindus.
Quickly, Samuel went from monitored to threatened to hunted. He pulled his five sons out of school and took the whole family into hiding. As powerful government officials joined the side of the extremists, hiding places became fewer and farther between. The persecution soon spread to the fledgling Christian community Samuel had worked so hard to build.
Finally, God opened a door for Samuel and his family to escape Pakistan. Today, they are living as refugees in Brazil, waiting for the threats against them to die down. But their hiding is not in vain: Samuel is busy translating ICM’s Mini Bible College into Urdu for believers in Pakistan. When he returns to his home country, he will bring back a powerful tool for making even more disciples in this difficult region.
Please pray for Samuel and his entire family – that they will be blessed, protected, and able to return home soon.
*Name changed for security reasons

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