August 30, 2024
Evidence of Revival
Church Building
In one of the most dangerous places in the world to be a Christian, where persecution from Hindu extremists is common and anticonversion laws restrict God’s Word from being spread, a 16-year-old girl heard the Gospel and responded.
Her people are an indigenous minority group in South Asia. Far off any main roads, they settled close to water because water is part of traditional Hindu worship. They live in houses with no electricity and used to fear spirits. Now, they know Jesus.
An evangelist in the 1980s first shared Christ with the people, and as they began turning to the Lord, it was clear a church was needed. Dois Rosser, ICM’s Founder, along with Director of Church Relations, Burt Reed, helped fund the home for these believers, as well as a Biblical Training Institute.
The people rejoiced that God had provided a church for them so they could grow in their newfound faith. And from that church, the girl heard the Gospel and wanted everyone to know about the God who loves them. She was persistent in telling the evangelist to go and share the good news with neighboring communities. A people group an eight hour walk away, through a forest, needed J esus too.
Her obedience to following Christ and making disciples was contagious and inspiring. Organically, God’s Word took root and produced fruit. Four decades later, the girl is a mother of two, and a spiritual mother of more. There are thousands of believers among her people group that have been delivered from the hands of death and saved by their Redeemer.
ICM’s local partner says that out of any people group they’ve worked with, this community has “the most aggressive soul-winners.” So much has changed since the first time Dois and Burt visited, but recently Burt and an ICM regional director got to go back to witness the evidence of revival.
For 27 years, as gratitude to God, the people come together annually, donating land and money, to hold a three-day conference under a massive tent. From morning until evening, they fast, pray, and worship, hearing messages and leading kids and youth programs. In one of the most dangerous places in the world to be a Christian, the church cannot be stopped. God continues to work. Because there are 16-year-olds who do not know Him yet.
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