Transforming Women in Brazil

Four years ago, missionaries George and Gizelle traveled up the Amazon River and landed on the shores of Bom Futuro Community. A tiny village of just 145 people, Bom Futuro embraced the missionaries and heard the Gospel for the first time. Today, they have a congregation of nearly 50 adults that meets in a young man’s home. The children have Sunday School on a nearby veranda.

Give to the project

Incredibly isolated and with few educational and economic opportunities, women in this community face significant challenges. Gizelle is working to establish a sewing program that will engage and uplift them. However, they need a safe, spacious place to gather.

Your gift today will allow the believers of Bom Futuro to build a permanent church in their village. This church will be used to facilitate the women’s sewing program. It will also allow families to worship together, study the Bible, and develop additional ministries that will transform their community for Christ.

Thank you for making a life-changing difference for these women!


Questions about ICM’s Women’s Initiative? Contact Cheryl Simmons at 757-735-5525 or email


Any funds raised in excess of this project will be applied to a similar project at ICM’s discretion.