October 20, 2020
Unity in the Midst of Uncertainty
Stories of Hope
In the midst of uncertainties wrought by the coronavirus pandemic, believers in South Asia are joining together in prayer and Bible study. In isolated villages, ICM-sponsored church buildings host small and safely distanced prayer and study gatherings. Church leaders also encourage Christians to pray, study, and worship in their homes.
The pandemic arrived in the wake of increasing antagonism towards Christianity. In response to this antagonism, ICM partners launched “Operation HOPE” (Houses Of Prayer Everywhere) in November 2019 to urge every Christian to turn their home into a house of prayer. Now, with their country on lockdown, these partners are systematically implementing Operation HOPE in every community where they work.
Along with this initiative, they are introducing ICM’s discipleship program to every household of believers in South Asia. Families listen to these Bible lessons on audio players or receive audio files each day on their phones from regional coordinators. From there, many send the lessons out even further, reaching deep into rural communities. As a result, some people are hearing about Jesus for the very first time. Others are growing in faith and zeal.
“We are asking every single household to commit to two hours of prayer and study of the Word every day. It is happening!” our partners report. “We are so grateful for your help in providing these lessons. Thank you for being our brothers and sisters in God’s great global family.”
These partners want you to know that they are praying for you. They ask that you pray for them in return. Thank you so much!
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