March 8, 2024
Shaping Their Hearts
How ICM Investors are Intentionally Teaching Their Children.
Luz and Chris Heine are passionate about fulfilling the Great Commission by spreading the love of Jesus and the Word of God. While this looks like being a part of their local church, running a business that supports missions, and partnering with ICM, they say it really starts at home with their kids.
Recently, the couple took a significant step by choosing to homeschool their eight-year-old son Chris and six-year-old daughter Caroline. “The most important thing for us as parents is for our kids to know and love the Lord,” says Luz. Keeping the kids at home allows Chris and Luz to mold and shape their hearts in impactful ways.
Training up their children in the way they should go (Proverbs 22:6) is a role the Heines take seriously. “It’s not automatic. It takes a team effort,” explains Chris. “That’s why we enjoy being a part of ICM.”
As the family partners with ICM, Luz, and Chris have opportunities to disciple their children. Every night, they pray for ICM, the people and the countries that ICM partners with, and every night this expands the children’s understanding of how God is at work around the globe.
“Our son is starting to realize the more churches we build; the more people are going to know about God,” Luz says. “And our daughter’s deep prayer is that ICM would continue to grow and grow and grow.”
The couple say they want their kids to learn to live for the Lord while they are young and see godly models of what it looks like to serve Christ. “By partnering with someone like ICM, I believe they are able to see that,” says Luz.
Spreading the gospel begins by being intentional at home. “That’s how we’re hoping to shape our kids’ hearts and the future generation,” Luz shares.
ICM is grateful to partner with families like the Heines who not only generously impact the work we do, but who are also committed to living out their faith with the next generation in mind
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