November 15, 2020

Women’s Initiative Reaching Indonesia


Church Building

Stories of Hope

Indonesia, the land of 17,000+ islands, remains a difficult area to share the Gospel. The tiny country is home to the world’s largest Muslim population, and converts to Christianity often face shunning and persecution by their families. However, a young Indonesian woman named Pastor Balisa is helping to lead many people to Christ. She writes:

“I received Jesus as my personal Savior when I was 14 years old. Before that, I had never heard about Jesus because my parents are animists.

“When I was in Middle School, one of my friends invited me to join her in Chapel Service at school. I really enjoyed the singing, and I loved to hear the preacher share the Word of God.

“One day, I met the pastor who serves in our village. He shared his testimony about how he became a Christian and also shared the Word of God. After that, he challenged me to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. He led me to Christ and prayed for me and my future.

“When I was in High School, I decided to commit my life to God as a full-time minister. This is why, after I finished High School, I directly applied to study at seminary. During my study, I had the opportunity to serve the Lord in several places.

“In 2017, I was sent to serve in [a rural village]. At that time, just one family knew Christ. With this family, I decided to start a prayer meeting and Bible study. I asked this family to invite their relatives. Praise the Lord, many people came to the Lord.

“Almost every week, there are new believers who come to our Bible Study. Now we have more than 20 families who have joined our church.

“Please pray that the ministry keeps growing and that we can reach many people for the Lord. Thank you.” — Pastor Balisa

Thanks to you, Pastor Balisa’s congregation in Indonesia is hard at work building their first church.

Impact Asia with Truth
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