November 6, 2023
How Online Biblical Schooling Changes Lives
In this day and age, the internet and social media sites are a significant part of our lives. Nearly everyone has a smartphone, with a world of information at their fingertips. Today, technology offers a clear, simple pathway to reaching others with the Word of God.
ICM’s Foundations Bible study curriculum is available across a variety of platforms in over 60 languages, whether it’s an audio player, a Wi-Fi Access Point, or animated lessons. Foundations are also available in an online school format, called the Learning Management System, or LMS. Mentors guide the students through the course material, answering questions and sparking meaningful discussions so students can truly absorb what they are learning from God’s word. On many occasions, these lessons deeply impact the students’ lives. Here’s just a couple of their testimonies:
72-year-old Esteban Reyes, from Mexico, is studying to be a pastor. “I am very happy because I have learned and understood many things. Many thanks to my teachers! I am so excited about this course.” Esteban completed lessons on Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and was inspired to continue by studying Romans and 1 and 2 Corinthians. Receiving certificates at the end of each lesson gives him a great sense of accomplishment. Even in his senior years, he is passionate about learning more about the Bible, so he can lead others to Christ and guide them on their spiritual journey.
In South Africa, Pastor Lindokuhe Manda learned how to let God’s Word truly transform his own heart and mind. “I was focusing more on preaching the Word of God to others, rather than studying the Word of God and letting it change me first. I changed my habits because I learned that when the power of God’s word is in my heart, I will literally practice what I preach.”
Pastor Manda uses the LMS course to help him preach lessons while also deepening his own understanding of the Bible. He allows God’s voice to speak to him as he abides in his quiet times. Reflecting on God’s message. “I enjoyed the lesson called How to Study the Bible. I learned that every time I approach the Bible, I need to have a clear mind and let the Scripture speak for itself…I learned how to listen to God’s revelation. Thank you so much for this course.”

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