February 1, 2017
Madagascan government upon His shoulders
It was June 26, 1960 when the people of Madagascar were officially freed from their oppressive government riddled with hierarchical corruption and scandal. Families were no longer controlled by strict religious guidelines or restrictions. With this freedom there were multiple internal power struggles for leadership ultimately leading to Hery Rajaonarimampianina’s appointment as president in a fair race.
Untitled design (19)Since then, relations with Madagascar have been simplified and the Christian church has been growing exponentially with minimal persecution.
Morombe (Red dot on the map) is a small coastal village accessible by small boats called pirogues. The area was identified and soon after pioneer evangelists were sent to do ground work for two months before an evangelism team from a northern town arrived. The congregation met in the evangelists’ house and few members were actively seeking out their friends and neighbors. As the church family grew and became bolder in their faith, they began to gain new members and disciples were made. By 2010 the church was officially planted and pastored by a sister church in Toliara and their first baptism and confirmation services were held in 2011.
As numbers continued to steadily increase Pastor Ikem began to lead the congregation of 160 members in their local programs. However they still did not have a permanent meeting place. They improvised and met in open air spaces or would erect a temporary tent each week. On top of this, they planted a daughter church in Angarazy which is 40 miles away from Morombe and it started picking up quite fast too.
A plot of land was purchased in 2015 and a title from the Land’s Ministry of Madagascar was miraculously granted to the church. All the congregation needed was funding to begin their project, this was no small feat for this community of believers.
Well, God loves to prove that the seemingly impossible is under His control and we have no reason to fear.
During Pastor Ikem’s term at Madagascar-ISTPM Seminary, he met believers that had heard about ICM. He never forgot the testimony of God’s work in remote regions similar to his home town. So, he managed to get in contact with the ministry and the funding process was granted.
Since November of 2016 Malagasy Church has been full of this worshipful congregation. Now, they are able to reach Madagascar’s western coastal region in Jesus’ name and bring local people biblical truths just as King Radama I had anticipated 200 years ago.
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