November 1, 2021
Coming Together for Giving Tuesday
Featured Fundraisers
Our single biggest day of giving is fast approaching: Giving Tuesday! This year, it falls on November 30. For the last five years, it has been one of the most exciting days for staff and investors alike. But why jump on the bandwagon? Why give to ICM on Giving Tuesday?
Well, there are many great reasons:
- To take advantage of our one-day only, dollar-for-dollar match,
- To support healthy churches transforming their communities in over 100 countries,
- To train and equip disciples among the most marginalized around the world, and
- To leverage your year-end gift to its full potential.
But perhaps the best reason of all? To be part of something eternally significant: the global Body of Christ.
“Feeling like we are part of the global church, all of us in the family of God, is a blessing…ICM’s caring, concern, and generosity, unified in service to Him, is amazing. Your values as an organization, your vision, your love, and your commitment is so beautiful and inspiring!”
These words came in a heartfelt letter from one of our longtime investors after attending one of our events. It’s a sentiment we often hear from our supporters, and it’s what sets us apart.
“I honestly think that ICM has the most inspiring vision statement of any Christian organization.” ~ Lee Strobel, best-selling author of The Case for Christ
Getting Started the Right Way
After a mission trip to India in the mid 1980’s, Dois Rosser, a Virginia businessman, was inspired by the people he met. He made it his mission to do whatever he could to help them develop their relationship with Christ. From there, ICM was born.
ICM began with the idea of discipling believers in India with audio recordings of Virginia pastor Dick Woodward’s Bible study curriculum (which we call Foundations today). However, ICM expanded its vision in the 1990’s by asking the question, “What if we could also give congregations their own brick and mortar church to worship in?” Instead of going about it himself, Dois met with India’s church leaders first. He asked them how they could work together as brothers and sisters in Christ to meet the needs of His people? Partnerships would become a key part of ICM’s mission.
Some told Dois these co-equal indigenous partnerships would never work. But after establishing several of them in over 100 countries, ICM is reaching more people with the Gospel than ever before.
“It’s a joy and privilege to have a beautiful church building in our remote tribal village. We praise God because we were praying for a church building for a long time. Because of the church building, many new people are joining the prayer meetings. We thank God, as well the ICM team who helped us via prayers and financial support. We pray that the Lord blesses you all!” ~ ICM Partner in South Asia
Today, ICM has been able to develop a network of tens of thousands of healthy local churches that are discipling more than 2 million believers all over the world. By God’s grace, we are now headed toward a goal of seeing 25 million disciples in healthy churches in just the next few years.
Making It Possible
“We say thank you to all the donors, and may God bless them. Thank you for the Foundations study materials, which have become a part of our prayer time on Sundays.” ~ ICM Partner in Mali
Thanks to many faithful and generous investors like you, ICM has grown exponentially over the past 30 years. We’ve been able to build more than 10,000 ministry projects, including churches, Hope Centers, orphanages, and more. Your support has also put Foundations discipleship content into the hands and hearts of countless oral and visual learners, helping them experience the full love and power of God. To date, we have been able to translate Foundations into more than 60 languages. Imagine a congregation being able to study the Word in their native tongue! Praise be to God!
How do we ensure our partners have access to Foundations? The Foundations material is uploaded onto several different types of user-friendly devices, including audio players, WiFi hotspots, mini projectors, and online learning platforms. Indigenous pastors also have the opportunity to be trained at various Training Centers, equipping them to shepherd a healthy church. Our team is also working on animating the Foundations curriculum, bringing it to life on screen.
One example of how ICM’s work is radically changing lives comes from Uganda where ICM’s partner churches are working to transform the lives of some of the most vulnerable in their communities. As part of the Women’s Empowerment program with one of our partners in Uganda, women are given the chance to learn a trade, such as farming or textile weaving. They also receive business management and a micro investment – like a pig – to help them get started. From there, they can start their own business, allowing them to provide for themselves and their families while also establishing themselves as leaders in their communities. A recently constructed Women’s Empowerment Center expects to serve nearly 100 adults and 50 children on a monthly basis. Another Women’s Empowerment Center has assisted dozens of widows in learning how to farm nuts and sorghum to provide income.
Many women have also joined us via Facebook and Zoom to hear testimonies from other women around the world and to discuss the Word of God. What a blessing it is to have this time of fellowship and prayer! We call this program the ICM Women’s Initiative. If you’d like to learn more about how to get involved, please let us know!
We work with sound, accountable, well-established indigeous ministries, and it is such a blessing to see these ministries grow as we come together with one mission in mind: a healthy church within walking distance of everyone in the world.
Coming Together in Unity
Giving Tuesday, November 30th, is your opportunity to join the movement to develop healthy churches around the world. Thanks to others who have already jumped in, your gift will be matched dollar for dollar up to $245,000 – and will help us reach our goal of creating 25 Million Disciples for Christ.
Over the last five years, donors have given a total of $1 million dollars on Giving Tuesday, which has helped build church buildings and Hope Centers, and train and equip disciples in dozens of countries around the world. Join the movement this Giving Tuesday. Even an investment of just $14 can provide a solar-powered audio player – with an audio Bible and a complete set of audio discipleship tools – to a church’s small group.
Will you join us? Your gift can equip believers worldwide for discipleship, ensuring they have the resources to spread the Gospel. You can also help churches worldwide become a source of refuge and aid for hurting communities at this critical time. What could be better at Christmas?
If you can’t give this year, please pray for our campaign…and share it with your friends and family on social media! God hears all our prayers. We are so grateful for your generous support. Thank you!
“A generous person will prosper;
whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.”
~Proverbs 11:25, NIV

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