November 7, 2022

Discover God’s Miracles


Stories of Hope

Importance of Spiritual Growth

South Central Asia

Do you remember when you first accepted Christ? Think back to the importance of spending time in Scripture and engaging with fellow believers. Most likely, your church provided a Bible and abundant resources. Or maybe it was a friend sharing the Gospel with you, enthusiastically showering you with invites to small groups and church services. Can you imagine how difficult it would be to grow in your faith without that support? That’s the reality for many Christians in South Central Asia.
They are met with persecution and few resources, endangering their spiritual journey
with Christ. Providing discipleship resources to these communities is imperative. Without them, our brothers and sisters in Christ would be lost.

Thanks to generous investors like you, ICM is able to distribute audio players loaded with Foundations discipleship content to our partners in South Central Asia.


“We would like to extend heartfelt gratitude to the ICM family for providing such useful material. This audio device is helpful for us to start small group fellowship…many brothers and sisters are blessed.”
­— South Central Asia Partners

In one instance, your giving provided training on Foundations to over 600 people, helping them discover the Word of God
without interruption.

ICM audio players enable engagement for listeners while working or in their homes. Previously, the Word of God could only be heard during church services. Now it is accessible 24 hours a day!

Will you help believers around the world grow in their relationship with Christ? They passionately serve, worship and share the love of Jesus with their communities and beyond. Devices loaded with Foundations curriculum makes it easy to share the Good News. Millions of pastors long for more training so they can effectively shepherd their congregations.

Your gift will inspire spiritual growth and help transform lives for Christ.

Invest in Discipleship


Christian Revival

Voodoo Village

Devout Voodoo witch doctor Pierre* escaped death after a horrific car accident, transforming his life forever. But the physical effects weren’t nearly as significant as the spiritual transformation. Friends of the former witch doctor said,

“Before, nobody could approach him with the Gospel. He was too proud of his ancestors’ religion.”

Fully recovered from the devastating accident, Pierre sought more purpose in his life. Pierre was unsure of what step to take next. A friend encouraged him to visit a local church for guidance. Pierre was so moved by the sermon during his visit, he felt the Holy Spirit’s presence and accepted Christ as his Savior immediately. Soon after, Pierre witnessed another life change. His once flourishing palm wine business went


bankrupt, but this didn’t deter him from spreading the love of Christ; it encouraged him.

Along with a local pastor, Pierre started a Christian revival in Ahogo, a small village in Benin, where dozens of people were saved. A seed of the Gospel was planted and the congregation of Ahogo began. The new assembly grew dramatically, but still faced an immense challenge — Voodoo priests. The Voodoo priests organized a physical attack on the Ahogo group while they were meeting. Many ran away in fear and horror. Those who remained, including Pierre, were forced to meet outside of the church in private homes for worship. In the midst of this chaos, Pierre stood firm for Jesus. He dreamed of the day when his Christian brothers and sisters could have their own place of worship again. The following year, that dream was realized and the Ahogo church was built.

Countless congregations, just like this one, have incredible stories of perseverance. You can help them by giving a life-changing gift ­— a church building. Thanks to you, these healthy churches can transform lives and bring even more people to Christ.

Invest in Hope Centers


Multiplying Believers


Growing up one of six children in a secular family, Htay* never knew Jesus. For generations his entire tribe performed dark rituals, making sacrifices to evil spirits, hoping to remain safe in their modest village in Myanmar. It wasn’t until Htay was 17 that he encountered a Christian for the first time. The evangelist appeared in the village without notice. At first, many of the tribesmen ignored the stranger. Some said they weren’t interested in his ideas and told him to leave. But after a while, hearts began to soften towards the visitor. He spoke of a God that cared and loved them; one who was full of grace and forgiveness. Htay and the villagers were intrigued.

“As I heard about the salvation that Jesus offers, I accepted and surrendered my life to Christ. Since then, my life has never been the same. I have joy and peace in my heart and mind,” Htay recalls.


Soon after accepting Christ, Htay decided to go to Bible College in a nearby city to study theology and become a pastor. When he completed his studies, God led him to another town in Myanmar where there was a great opportunity to minister to a larger population. “Year after year, the Lord has multiplied our congregation. It is through the emphasis on discipleship that the Lord greatly increased our membership. Month after month, year after year, the Lord has blessed us with new believers,” he said, Today, Htay and the congregation are eagerly waiting for construction to start on a brand-new church building.

Many Christians in Myanmar face persecution for their beliefs and desperately seek God’s
Word. Church buildings help provide legitimacy in their culture, while ICM’s Foundations program provides them a discreet way to read and listen to the Bible.

You can help Christians in these regions by sponsoring a church there, or by helping to provide material that contributes to their relationship with Christ.

Will you help these believers continue to grow today?

Invest in Churches

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