July 31, 2018

Conquerors of Sin

Jasmine Scott

Church Building



church building

Let’s talk about sin It’s true that we are not promised an easy life. There is no doubt that each of us will face heartbreak, pain, and sadness at some point. Thankfully, we serve a God who has promised to lead us to a triumph over sin! It’s only a matter of wholeheartedly turning to God.

Sergi was born in Russia. At the young age of 15, he was introduced to drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. It didn’t take long before it controlled his every move. In the midst of new addiction, he got married and had two sons. With drugs at the steering wheel in his life, he could not be a husband or father.  His wife wanted a divorce, and his parents signed him up for rehab.

Sergi went rehab twice, but it didn’t work. It wasn’t until his step-father shared his own testimony that something clicked in Sergi’s mind. He realized that he wanted a new life in Christ. He was no longer praying just to break his sin, he wanted more than that. He wanted a relationship with God. That’s what made the difference.

Sergi has remained clean for years, but the urge to use never completely goes away. With God, he is strong enough to not give in. He now serves at an ICM Hope Center, working with at-risk orphans and children.

Thank you for investing in ICM Hope Centers, your investment changed Sergei’s life. Your investment is changing many lives.

A Hope Center is a Christ-based place of care for children and orphans.

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